Wednesday, December 30, 2009

My Job in 2010

As the year comes to a close, I am a little nervous about what lays ahead for me.  I found out on October 12th that our manufacturing facility would be shutting down by December 2010.  I know I will have a job at least through March 2010 but it is uncertain after that. 

If any jobs are available we will have the option of transferring.  The bad thing is that we have plants in Michigan, Ohio, Iowa, Kentucky, & California.  Wacker has cut back positions at all the plants, I am thinking based on that I will not be offered a transfer. 

Would I transfer?  Well if I didn't have a choice about another job, and couldn't find anything around here I probably would.  I would hate to move away from my family, but I have to work.  I don't have anybody to rely on to pay my bills.  I have 14 years invested in this company already, and we have great benefits. 
It is something I would really have to pray about.  I would miss my Lindsey and Erica beyond belief.  They would be the only reason I would not move. 

I have a couple of suppliers that have promised me a job, but the pay is no where close to what I am making now.  Like I said, it is something I would have to place in God's hand and let him guide me. It is not a decision I would make on the spur of the moment.

I am in the process of updating my resume.  Wacker has hired an outside agency to come in and help us with our resume.  They have also offered us counseling to help  deal with the situation. I am coping with it pretty good, and I have one more credit card to pay off.  I don't owe but a little over 200.00 on it..  I am just thankful I had  several months to plan for it.. If there is such a thing.

 I have a good website that combines all the job search engines in one place.  It is
Check it out, you may find it to be very resourceful. 

Happy 2010 everyone....

Saving Money with coupons

I have been couponing for over a year.  I have not kept up with how much money I have saved but that is my plans for 2010.  To the life of me I can't understand why some people would pay full price for groceries or pay full price for clothes.

I wanted to share with you, a website that I have found that has really helped me.

If you follow her advise and use the coupons that she suggest you will save loads of money.  The key is to only buy what is on sale and what you have coupons for and to plan your meals around the groceries you have on hand.  It may not be what you are used to, but you can make it work. 

Check out the web site and please share your thoughts.  I also have another a blog that I visit that is very helpful too.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

My Brother- Look-a-like

This is a picture of my brothers oldest daughter and his only son.  When I saw this picture I had to do a double take.  Cole looks exactly like my brother did at that age.  He is such a sweet little guy too.  I can see the resemblance of Todd in the other two kids, but nothing like this.  I'm on a quest to find pictures of Todd when he was 8 years old.  When I find them I will do a repost and you will see how much they look alike..  It is like Wow, how can this be.  Then again, maybe it is because I want to see Todd in him.  Todd was so proud of Cole-Train..  Just as we all are proud of all of Todd's kids.. 

I miss Todd everyday... I think as long as we have Todd's kids around us we will have part of Todd with us. 

Monday, December 28, 2009


Lindsey got a Wii for Christmas this year and we have really enjoyed playing it..  In fact I am so sore from the bowling game.  Heck yea,  I clear the floor and I really actually run and throw the ball.  I probably look like a dork..   Bowling is my favorite sport and Golf is my least favorite.  I just don't get it..  Baseball is pretty cool, however the Wii team is so much better than my team.. Which consist of me, Lindz, Erica, Adam, Sam, Randy,Hunter, and Tianna.  My team makes lots and lots of errors.. Which makes me mad... I must say I am a pretty good pitcher..  My swings are a little late.. But I will get there.  We only have one controller, due to the fact that everybody and there brother must have gotten a Wii for Christmas and can't find one in Sptbg or Greenville. 

I really want the Super Mario Bros game and the Donkey Kong game.  My family loves those games, and I know it will be loads of fun.. 

I wish I would have gotten a picture of Lindz boxing, it was so funny..  She said boxing is her favorite and I must say she is pretty dang good at it...  Did I mention on my first fitness test I was 76 years old.  Oh my, that is not good.  I have got lots of work to do..

Erica and I are wanting to get the Wii fitness.  They have several to choose from now..  However we have to get all the accessories that go with it... I spent too much money this Christmas, so It will be a few weeks before I can get us any of the accessories.. I think I gained about 15 pounds in the past few weeks, so I definitely need me a low impact workout..  Since I had my knee surgery in April I just can't do the things I used to do..  But Erica and I are gonna get busy and loose these extra pounds we have picked up.. Of course you have to be careful while playing, cause you don't want to end up with a bump on your eye..

So if you don't have a Wii, and you are thinking about getting one, I say Yes,,,  Get cha one... It is fun and its family time without the teens thinking it is...LOL...

Fuzzy Wuzzy

I forgot to mention I got a Fuzzy Wuzzy for Christmas compliments of Erica and Adam. 

It is so warm and so "fuzzy wuzzy".  It is much better than the "snuggie".  I love it.. It even has  Don't be jealous and be hating on me because I have one.. No really it is very soft and warm and I love it..  We can keep the heat down and wrap up in our fuzzy wuzzys and still be warm. 

Now we just have to talk Adam into getting one..tehe....


I scored one of these on Christmas Eve...  I must say it was my favorite present..  Because I love coffee.  It is now quick and easy..  Just the push of a button and in about 30 seconds flat I have a cup of java....aaaahhhhhh...  I can smell a cup now.. 

There are many different flavors on the market right now, and I want to try them all.  I have been searching on line and have found a variety pak..  They coffee is packed in K-Cups.  It is a single serving.  Just pop it in, push the button and when it finishes you just lift up the handle and toss the used K-cup. 
I am on the look out for one of these....

Isn't it to die for...  I know, I am a coffee junkie...  It is so nice to go out on the porch wrapped in my new snuggie (compliments of Erica & Adam) and sip on a hot cup of coffee.. It is so relaxing.  Now to go with it, Erica and Adam also bought me a fire pit-- but it uses propane .  Check it out right here.

So if you are in the neighborhood,  stop by and we can relax on the porch with a nice warm cup of coffee(it even makes hot chocolate if thats what your prefer) we can sit by the fire pit and laugh a little bit.   Sometimes that is all we need to rid ourselves of all the stress in life..

I'm checking out of here, but I hope you enjoyed the post..  If not, then don't come back,,,tehehe..

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Update on Jason

I have not updated the status of my dear friend Jason Williams who was diagnosed with Leukemia in June.  This has been a long battle for him and he is at his toughest fight right now.  He had the bone morrow transplant on November 6th.  His kind sister Ashlee  donated her bone marrow.  She was a perfect match for him.  Jason done so well after the transplant. But a few weeks after the transplant he started having problems.  He is very sick right now.  I talked to his mom last-night and while we were on the phone I could hear him moaning.  He was in so much pain.   He has a severe case of graph vs host in his liver and gut..  His mom is staying with him while his wife Lindsey   is home with there three children during Christmas. Lindsey and Jason have been in Charleston, SC for 2 months and Lindsey has not been home since they arrived in Charleston.  I'm glad she got to go home to be with her children..  I can only imagine how hard it has been for Lindsey.  I'm certain no matter what she does she feels guilty.  Guilty cause she is away from her children and guilty now because she is away from Jason.  While Lindsey is home I can say Jason is in great hands. Just as, while Lindsey is with Jason her children are in great hands with her parents. 
Please pray for my friend Jason...  He is in lot's of pain.. I also would like to request you to pray for his family.  Please pray for traveling graces as they travel back and forth to the hospital.

It's Time for Santa

It is finally here... The night all children wait for. Will he be stopping by your house tonight?

Merry Christmas....

Saturday, December 12, 2009