Wednesday, December 30, 2009

My Job in 2010

As the year comes to a close, I am a little nervous about what lays ahead for me.  I found out on October 12th that our manufacturing facility would be shutting down by December 2010.  I know I will have a job at least through March 2010 but it is uncertain after that. 

If any jobs are available we will have the option of transferring.  The bad thing is that we have plants in Michigan, Ohio, Iowa, Kentucky, & California.  Wacker has cut back positions at all the plants, I am thinking based on that I will not be offered a transfer. 

Would I transfer?  Well if I didn't have a choice about another job, and couldn't find anything around here I probably would.  I would hate to move away from my family, but I have to work.  I don't have anybody to rely on to pay my bills.  I have 14 years invested in this company already, and we have great benefits. 
It is something I would really have to pray about.  I would miss my Lindsey and Erica beyond belief.  They would be the only reason I would not move. 

I have a couple of suppliers that have promised me a job, but the pay is no where close to what I am making now.  Like I said, it is something I would have to place in God's hand and let him guide me. It is not a decision I would make on the spur of the moment.

I am in the process of updating my resume.  Wacker has hired an outside agency to come in and help us with our resume.  They have also offered us counseling to help  deal with the situation. I am coping with it pretty good, and I have one more credit card to pay off.  I don't owe but a little over 200.00 on it..  I am just thankful I had  several months to plan for it.. If there is such a thing.

 I have a good website that combines all the job search engines in one place.  It is
Check it out, you may find it to be very resourceful. 

Happy 2010 everyone....

1 comment:

Ashlee said...

I know you will make the right decision and God has already planned everything out for you! Looking back from where we started in August...where Daryl went from making GREAT money to unemployment...we are still making it and our kids had a great Christmas. Daryl has been able to work odd jobs and provide for his family and I know that God will open a door for you. God knows what is best for you and I know you will make the right decision. For Momma's sake (as she enjoys your friendship...and so do I) I hope you are able to stay close by. God will make a way girl!
Love you!