This is Rooter!! My BFF- My sister in crime- My advisor- My sister in Christ- My bestie, My babysitter, My confidant- and she is going to kill me!!!!
Rooter and I have been friends for a long time. I don't even know how long, it seems she has been there forever. She is a strong women whom I admire, love & adore. She has found a new life now that she is a Nana. She adores her children and absolutley could eat her grandchildren.
We don't see each other that much anymore, but this is the one and only friend whom I can count on. She knows my deepest secrets, she knows my bad habits, she knows my weaknesses, and she is still my friend.
We have had some killer times together. We have lots & lots of memories. Most of them are good. Gosh , Robert K (we had Jason going with that one), spying, pajama parties, El Mexicano, Gatlinburg & Pigeon Forge, The wedding, granny Bishop, at one time everyone at church was some type of animal (thanks to your son) B&C singing at church(show-boats) all the late night talks on the porch, lockins with the youth, all the after church parties you hosted, truth or dare Jenga, man I could go on and on. Thanks for the fun times.
Rooter was a single parent working 2-3 jobs, whatever it took to keep her family going. She has a son (Wardy- whom I absolutely can't imagine life without) and a daughter (Ashley-who is cream of the crop) who never went without. I know it was tough on Rooter rasing two teenagers by herself but she did it and did a fine job I might add...
I love her and she loves me and I can't imagine us not ever being freinds. If I need her I know she will come running and I would do the same for her(even though I have not been myself here lately and run out on her with the Christmas costumes) She is a workhorse, very talented and this is one woman you do not mess with. She will fight you tooth and nail especailly when it comes to her family...
Rooter was diagnoised with MS a few years back and through the years I have seen her health decline. But she is a fighter. I know a lot of days she does not feel good and she pushes herself. Does she take care of herself? I would have to say no, she puts everyones needs in front of her own. That is just Rooter. I wish she would think about herself sometime and take care of her needs. But that is just Rooter.
She currently lives with her daughter and son-in-law and her youngest grandchild (who she absolutely adores). She keeps Tanner while the parents work. Which Rooter would not have any other way. He adores Nana and they have a good time together. Of course if she was in better health she would have JC & Carson over keeping them everyday. I just don't think her health would hold up if she kept 3 rowdy little boys. Of course, If she had to she would just to help her family out. Her grandchildren have brought new meaning to her life. I have saw her mellow out. Things that use to would make her mad she just brushes off now.
I have saw God really work in her life.... I love you Rooter!! Thank you for always being my friend. I'm sorry for the times I have let you down... especially here lately.... Just know I am trying to get back.....