Monday, January 28, 2008

10 Things I am Grateful 4

1. That Erica got a lot of nice things at her shower that she really, really needed.

2. That Dorothy hosted Erica's shower and it saved us a lot of money because we didn't have to buy anything to decorate with. What a lovely christian lady. I must remember to send her a special Thank you card!!!

3. That Erica and Adam got over $700.00 at their shower- They should be able to pay off there furniture.(just another thing to help ease their debt)

4. That my ham biscuits were a success,and the punch wasn't so bad.

5. I got to meet Lu-Lu's little boyfriend yesterday and he actually gave me hug and told me it was nice meeting me.

6. That I got to see Josh Watkins Saturday night.

7. That one of my old youth members called me to let me know he had snuck off to Gatlinburg and got hitched and he wanted to tell me personally.

8. Ate supper with Ashley Saturday night at El Mexicano---Good time

9. Jane is coming home on Thursday.

10. That I have the best sisters in the world.


Ashlee said...

I have Erica's gift to bring to her....I was sick Friday night with a migraine and vomiting (what a great picture, I know), but I will probably drop it by after I get off work tonight if that is alright. If ya'll are not there I will leave on the front porch.

I am so glad that she had a great shower! I am so excited for her!!!

I think I have a clue on the youth member who got hitched...too fun!!!

Love ya'll!

Anonymous said...

Hey! Hope ya found Erica's gifts and your other stuff on the couch. Don't let her lose the Gift Card on the box from Ashlee. Also, brought all your mail and jewelry. Call me!