Happy 21st Casey!! I hope with this new age it brings wisdom.
Casey is my friend, my cousin (of course it is so far down the line it does not count) my partner in crime. We have so many good times together. I have seen her grow from a protected 14 year old girl to a confident 21 year old woman. She has the kindest heart. She has been right there with me through everything. I will never forget her spending the night with me when Todd got killed. She sit there and listened to me. She is like a sister to me. She is always doing thoughtful things for me.
I worry about Casey, because she seems to want to be with people that use her. She is nieve to the evil in the world. She thinks everyone is as forgiving as she is. She don't understand that some people are not fogiving. Casey is smart and can do anything she puts her mind to. I hope she will reach down and find the drive to finish school and go on to be a nurse. She has it in her, she just don't reach for it. I pray Casey would find that Christian man or that he find her. Of course this is Gods perfect timing.
Casey, Thank you for the friendship!! Thank you for all the memories!!! We have a lot of them. Thanks for doing the worm when I asked you too. You rock!! Thank you for being by my side no matter what it is I am going through. I love you!!

1 comment:
ya gotta love that Casey!
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