I finally broke down and purchased an ipod. Yes, the "thing" that annoys the heck out of me when I am trying to talk to my daughter and she does not respond. Why? Because she has not heard a word I said. "Why Again? Because she had ear phones stuck in her ears!!!
When I checked the mail the other day and I saw the box, I could not wait to tear into it.. A big thanks to Lindsey for helping me download the music to my brand new "iPod shuffle"
I have really enjoyed it, while cleaning house. I just hit the play button and away I go... My husband has really got a kick out of hearing me sing. I guess I did not realize I was being that loud. Did I mention I cannot carry a tune!! Well I can't...
Check them out at www.apple.com/ipodleshuffle-
I have thought about getting me one too...but wasn't sure if I was being silly to want one.
You have inspired me...I might just get one, too!!!
We all need to get together and hang out again! I know we talk about, but we should definitely do it! Me and Mama talk all the time about our trips to Gatlinburg and talk about how we would love to go again! We should do it!
Love ya'll!
I have an ipod video 30gb. I have to say I have nothing but misery with it. I dont know what it is but I go through ipods like water.
I purchased the ipod touch and it didn't work even the guy when i returned was like wow thisi s weird. and I'm like ugh! I CANNOT FIND ONE THAT LIKES ME! *stabs my ipod*
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