Thursday, December 27, 2007

Cole Seay

This is Cole. He is my nephew. This is Todd's son. As long as I can see him, Todd lives on. He looks just like Todd did when he was a wee little boy. He is as sweet as Todd was too. He is a big collector of knives, flashlights, or anything small that will fit in his pockets. His dad started this. He has many of his dads knives. He knows not to play with them and he even asked for a safe for Christmas so he could keep them put up. Now how sweet is that.

I have a really funny story that happened to Cole last year. Todd gave him a knife to keep in his pocket. He had just started kindergarten. Not knowing any better he pulled it out and showed his to his friend. Needless to say, he got caught and got sent home from school. In kindergarten and getting suspended is not a good thing. Of course he did not think he did anything wrong. He was proud of the knife his dad had given him and he was showing it off.

I was glad I got to spend Christmas day with him, Mikenzie, and Mikayla. They each have a special place in my heart.

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