I had a wonderful time with Erica, Lindsey, Adam, & Randy last night. I cooked us up a breakfast casserole, biscuits, grits, & french toast. We didn't sit down to eat until 9:00. Since my daughters are older we started a new tradition. This was our second year of opening all the presents on Christmas Eve. Since we have a new member in our family.(Adam) it is best to do it on Christmas Eve night. It was such a joy sitting around the table with all of us present. We have not done that in a long time.
After eating we ventured into the living room and started opening presents. There were way too many. I always buy my kids way to much at Christmas time. I don't really buy them a lot of things though out the year. They get what they need through the year. At Christmas I splurge. I buy them things they want.
Erica had asked me to buy her and Adam things they had registered for at Walmart, Target, & Bed, Bath, & Beyond. I did purchase 3 bar stools that they wanted. Then I said "No", I am going to buy them things for them They both got IPods, and clock radios with Ipod docks. Erica got clothes, and boots.
Lindsey is the kid that don't really ask for much, and when she does ask you try to deliver what she has asked for. I bought her a hoodie from Holisters. Which I don't ever pay full price for clothes, cause it is a waste of money. But I did pay full price for the hoodies. When she opened that box, and see the hoodies, the face was worth it all. She was so excited, that look on her face is one I will never forget. She got boots, tennis shoes, Stero system for her room. She was so excited about each gift that she opened. Bless her!!!!!
I hit the jackpot too. I got a new digital camera, and a printer-copier-scanner all in one. It is very nice. Randy got a GPS system and some kind of tools. Santa was good to us this year
My girls are such a blessing to me... I love them so much. They have brought me so much happiness. I had someone tell me today, I had really been blessed to have Erica as a daughter. He said, " Erica is such a good child, you should thank God everyday. She has been a good child and not given you any trouble". He is right about that. She has been a pleasure to raise. I hate giving her away to Adam. It saddens me to know she will not be coming home very night and sleeping here. It is less than 3 months away. Bless her!!!!
I have gotten in the sentimental mood. I better stop and come back later. I hope you enjoy the pics.

I finally got Erica & lindsey to agree to a picture!! I think it is cute

Erica & Adam - Wow, Adam looks happy!!! I hope this big smile is still there next year!!!

Lindsey hates getting her picture taken, Ernie is trying to escape too.

Oh, the silliness of young love!!!!

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