Friday, September 26, 2008

Survivor Gabon

I was so excited that survivor was finaly coming back on. Since the weather has gotten a little cooler it is easier to sit and watch televesion. Of course that is, if I can stay awake...

Here is a run down just incase you did not get to watch it.

Michelle is voted out in the first . Gillian is voted out in the second. The 2 teams are named “Kota” and “Fang”, pronounced “fong”. Fang pretty much sucks. They lost the first 3 challenges and the first two members.

Now that the teams are selected, it’s time for the first challenge. There are two individual immunity idols at the top of the hill, a bag of rice, and an extra bag of corn and beans (the first tribe across will get this). GC and Marcus rush ahead and get individual immunity. Michelle, the last one picked, is the first woman across (and not happy with her new tribe). Try as he might, Matty can’t push (literally) his tribe fast enough, and Kota wins the challenge and the extra food. It’s not even close, and Fang looks in trouble when it comes to physical challenges. Their first three picks (Gillian, Crystal, and Susie) were not the way to build a good strong team in that respect.

Following an abysmal job of constructing a tribe in Survivor: Gabon Episode 1, the lackluster Fang tribe got beat badly in both challenges, and then foolishly decided to vote out Michelle, a negative but relatively strong part of the tribe.
Marcus and Charlie have a strong bond, but Marcus would like to add some additional players to the fold, so they’re looking toward the women.
GC’s growing into his leadership role, but Randy hopes to sabotage him and let the tribe self destruct, as if that will take a lot.
Marcus approaches Corinne to see where she’s at. She likes Jacque, and he was already thinking about that. She’d like to be in an alliance with them and Charlie. They all gather together to discuss their strategy, including who should be the fifth (lesser) partner.
GC was awakened early by all the snoring. He decides to do laundry, then a few people join in. Gillian lets him and the others know she doesn’t want to hear them talking that early in the morning. GC (Golden Child) hands over his leadership because he doesn’t want to be the leader any more. Nobody else wants to be the leader (still). Dan tells the camera he’d like to be the leader, as long as he’s a silent leader and nobody knows about it.

Sad to say.. But I fell asleep. But do you have a favorite yet?

Edible Playdough

I found this recipe and I thought how cool is this. I have not tried it, cause I don't have any little ones around the house anymore. Of course, I'm thinking you do want to make sure your little one has clean hands while playing with this, lets just figure some will go in the mouth. give it a try and let me know....


2 1/2 c. peanut butter
1/4 c. honey
1 1/2 c. powdered milk

Mix well with hands or spoon in bowl. Add powdered milk until dough is workable and not too sticky. Kids love making this and then creating faces, snakes and shapes with it. Decorate with raisins, nuts or candy, if desired. Then eat!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

My Altima

My 02 Altima that I owe approx. $1000.00 on and it will be paid for. Well, it is about to quit on me. It figures though. Just when you think you are gonna be set and not have a car payment you find out that your car needs some major work. Like replacing the motor. I have several people looking for a motor and thus far 3 have been found. But the thing is, it will cost me 1800 for a motor. That is not including the labor to put the motor in..

If it could only last me a few more months then I could save for the 1800.00 and not have to borrow the money.. I found out through a friend of a friend that the Altima motors are just not any good. That was really reassuring.. LOL... I'm planning on borrowing the money from my 401K and getting the motor put in.. I just hope it will last me a good 5 years. Did I mention that the car uses about 5 quarts of oil a week, it cuts off at red-lights, stop signs, the drive-thrus, and just about anywhere when I take my foot off the gas to stop. So I have learned to drive with two feet. That is one foot on the brake and one foot on the gas. It is a technique, you know...LOL

Last Friday when I took LuLu to school, of course it cut off on me when I dropped her off, the two boys were standing there and they started laughing at me.. uuuurrrrrrgggghhhh. It made me so mad, I wanted to jump out of my car and ask these punks where there car was... Then I got a grip and just started my car and was on my merry way.. It is really nerve racking driving two footed.. You have to know exactly when to press the gas pedal harder than you press the break pedal. Which if not done at the right time could either send you into a building or worse into a stopped car in front of you..LOL...

Hopefully I will have my car running good in a few more weeks. I am hoping that one of the friends I have looking, will find a cheaper priced motor. Until then, if you see me behind you at a stop sign or traffic light.. MOVE OUT OF MY WAY....

Monday, September 15, 2008


I love putting my thoughts down on paper, only it is much easier typing it out now... I have always done that. Why not get a journal? I'm not sure why I don't, but I have just never done that. I like to go back and look at how I was feeling, what thoughts were going through my head, etc. The most amazing thing about writing your thoughts is that you can reflect back and see what God has been doing in your life... How he has helped you go from point A to point B. Especially when it seems like your life is such a mess.

I know my thoughts and feelings is not something someone wants to read. The past couple of years have been a struggle for me. I am up one minute and down the next. Sometimes just wishing I could walk away from my life here and start new somewhere else. I know that is the coward way out. I know that is not what God would have me to do.. So, I have stuck around and hoped things would get better. Only to realize that I am stuck in a rut.. Oh, I have so much to be thankful for, I would not dare test God.. For God is my biggest fear. I am a child of God and just like any parent he punishes us and while doing this he teaches us to have faith that he has great plans for us and he dearly loves us. With that always in my mind, I know God hears my prayers and he knows my heart. All this time he has been carrying me, and now I know he wants me to stand and follow him..

God, give me the strength to do just that..

Sunday, September 14, 2008

1 Year

All week long I was dreading Saturday. It marked the one year anniversary of my brothers death. I have thought about him alot this past week. Remembering his warm smile and his beautiful eyes, always brings a smile to my face and a tears to my eyes. When I think back on September 13th, 2007 I get sick. I can still see his body laying in the car, with all the blood on his seat. I can see it like it was yesterday..

As Saturday drew closer I thought what will I do to keep my mind off of him. God took care of that for me.. He had a plan for my day. My good friends and I went shopping and kept my mind busy. They probably don't even realize that they helped me in such a tremendous way. I stayed busy most of the day and when I came home I ate dinner with Lindsey and we watched a little TV and I climbed in the bed around 9:15, which is my normal bedtime. I lied in bed for just a few minutes before I drifted off to sleep. The thoughts in my mind were of the good times I had with Todd. I could see him at the front door with the great big smile on his face, just tickled to see me.. I could hear him telling me he loved me.. He would say "Love ya Girl". He was so quick to tell me he loved me..

Thank you Lord, for making my day a great one. Thank you for the wonderful memories of my brother, thank you for the Friends you sent to me that day. Thank you for loving me when I need it the most..