Saturday, April 24, 2010

My Savings this week

Bi-lo Trip- 4/21/10

Spent $6.83
Saved: $9.59

Publix Trip 4/20/10

Spent: $14.79
Saved: $35.20

Publix Trip 4/21/10

Spent: $21.54
Saved $73.22

CVS Trip- 4/21/10

Spent: $20.61
Saved: $43.27

Weekly Total
Total Spent: $63.77
Total Saved: $161.28

61% savings

I spent more than my $40.00 budget for the week, but I will be out of town this week and I will not be doing any shopping.. I bought lots of cleaning products and washing detergent so I am good for about 6 months.  I don't plan on buying any cleaning products for a while unless they are free or dirt cheap. 

I hope you all have a blessed week

1 comment:

Ashlee said...

good for you! I haven't couponed in forever...I need to, but just haven't had the time!
Love you, girl!