Sunday, July 6, 2008

It's Been a While

Wow!! I looked at my last post and all I can say is "Where has the time gone". To be completely honest I have not even felt like posting. I mean if i would have posted something you would have seen how sad, lonely, & somewhat depressed I was. I had no desire to post anything. It seems like I have been living in another body for sometime now. No, I didn't just wake up and see this. I have been knowing it, but really did not want to do anything about it. While I have been living in this closed world environment and trying to make people think I am okay because I can handle what God sends my way, I have been dying on the inside.

I mean I can grieve as long as I want to.. There is no time limit on how long it takes a person to get over the death of a loved one. But who was I trying to fool. I guess myself. I laid around all weekend and did not even bathe. What kind of person does that. I mean for three days I did not leave the house. I have friends who care about me and family, but I don't really want to be around any of them. Not because I feel sorry for myself because I don't.

But right up under my nose my youngest daughter who has been branded the "perfect child" has fallen head over hills with someone. She has a telephone growing out of her ear, and she has grown up on me in just a few months. She has broken the trust her father and I had for her and whom would have ever thought that she would "sneak out of the house" to see this little guy she has fallen for. You talking about a wake up call, that was it...

What am I to do now?? I keep thinking how can I get her to see this young guy is not worth it. Yes I am so disappointed, but I am also shocked. Where has my little girl gone??? How could this guy take the place of her mom & dad? I dare him... I know it is called growing up, but it was much easier for her to be a little girl.

I will figure out what to do and try to be the stern mother I was to my oldest daughter, but that is so hard to do when you have never had to discipline this child in probably 8-10 years. Her dad would love it if we could some how kill this little boy and throw him away... But, it was just a thought. I really don't think that is the answer. No I am sure it is not the answer.

Thought for the Day......... Seek God's guidance in everything...

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