I'm not real certain where to begin. It has been a while since I last posted. Besides Mama getting home and getting settled in, the other big news is my 20 year old daughter went off and eloped on Valentines Day. I have mixed emotions about it, but what do you do? Just learn to deal with it. We cannot keep them at home forever. I am not sure why it was decided to be kept a secret, but they thought we didn't know about it.. Our pastor let the cat out of the bag.. Of course, he knew he was, but he did not want either of the parents to get upset with him. Adam's parents attend the same church as we do... I am guessing Pastor Hall did not want to get in any hot water..lol

This was Erica and Adams decision to make. Heck, I think it was pretty wise... I do miss my girl... This house will never be the same without her... When I look back and remember the good times we had, they were awesome. I hope one day Erica will appreciate all the time we spent together. When most teenagers were hanging out with their friends, Erica was hanging out with me.. Thank you for all the blessings you brought to my life, thank you for all the precious memories, Thank you for sharing your life with me.. I know now, you have your own life and it does not focus on me, and that is okay.. Just don't forget about me..
you guys look so happy together. :)
I agree with Jenny. You do look happy. :D
btw: thanks for dropping by Pajama Mommy and commenting. I appreciate it. Hope to see you come again soon!
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