I even let this creature give me sugar. He loves us unconditional. He just can't wait for us to walk through the door. I tried to convince myself that I would not love this dog. I tried my best not to. but I gave in, and now I have to admit that I love this dog to death. Who would have ever guessed. I was not around dogs growing up. I mean we had dogs but they were kept in a fence and were good for barking when strangers pulled in the yard. Which I have a couple of dogs like that. But dogs were not to be in the house. From day one I said "no dogs in my house". Oh brother, the things we do for our kids. Ernie is a member of our family now.

We all love him very much and cannot imagine what our lives would be like, if we didn't have him. Of course, we all realize that his favorite Ward is Randy. Which is okay by us. Randy really takes care of him. It is so funny cause if Randy goes out the door. Ernie cries like a baby cries after his mother when she is dropping it off at daycare. It breaks Randy's heart just like it does a mother. We are hoping Ernie will be in our lives for a long time. I also hope we can always show him the love that he so freely gives to us.And yes, Santa will be by to see Ernie too.

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