I could tell you some wonderful stories about Erica. When she was a little tot she played with a Sun-drop (yes a 2- liter bottle) She named him Sunny. That was her baby. She had every baby doll on the market, but she choose to love Sunny. Oh, we can't forget about her first baby doll that she cherished. Her name was Ashley. She carried Ashley everywhere she went. In fact she looked like Ashley. Ashley had not hair and neither did Erica until she was about 3 years old. When we would go out, no matter if she had pink on from her head to her toes (no matter her ears were pierced) people would still say" He is so cute", uuurrrrgh. Me being a young mother, it made me so mad. I would give those people the evil eye and politely say" Her name is Erica", she is a GIRL" - and don't you forget it.
She got lots of attention from her Mema and Papa and Uncle Roger. They loved her so much. She did no wrong and she stil doesn't in Mema's eyes (or her daddy's as far as that goes) they had a huge part is raising Erica. Thank God for Grandmas. Erica loved to take off to her MeMa's when she didn't get her way at home. She was a very spoiled child and guess what, now Adam spoils her... Good luck with that one Adam
Erica was a good student in school until the boys came along. She loved hanging out with her friends from church. If she had a choice- she would have rather chilled out with the youth group over anything. She wanted all her school friends to meet her church friends. She was devoted to it.. They were probably the biggest influences in her life. They loved her and didn't mind her tagging along with them. Erica was at least 4 years younger than they were. Some were older than that. I am thankful she had them in her life. I'm thankful for the older girls that took the time to mentor her. Thank you Ashlee Williams Tolleson. She really looked up to Ashlee. Ashlee was a good role model and still is an important person in her life.
Erica is my first born. She is the apple of my eye. We don't get to spend to much time together now, due to the love of her life. She chooses to spend her free time with him. Which is alright by me. I was the same way...(lets face it, it happened to all of us) We are very proud of Erica. If she is just 1/2 as good of a wife as she has been a daughter Adam has gotten himself a jewel.

1 comment:
Sweet post! You are a great mom! I am so thankful to have each of you in my life. I can't believe how fast Erica has grown up. I know I am not much older than her, but it seems like just yesterday that we were running around Gatlinburg acting silly and hanging out at Rooter's house with the youth!
Love ya'll!
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