Wednesday, August 13, 2008


Are you frugal ? I am seeing more and more information about "how to live frugal." I read over the information and I have tried so hard. I came across several blogs that teach you how to use coupons and actually make money off of them. I found myself purchasing products just because I could possibly get if for free. Which is fine, if you actually needed the product and could use it..
I have actually purchased the product and given it to someone who did use it. How is that being frugal. I mean I am in to helping out others.. But that is not the point behind coupons.

I purchased a notebook, started clipping the coupons and organizing them. The sad thing is, I would go to the grocery store and forget my notebook full of money saving coupons.. How sad is that??? I keep promising to do better on my next shopping trip. Just to do it again... If you do your research you can actually save money using the coupons.

Most of the grocery store chains send out there weekly sales papers on Wednesday. Except Ingles and I believe it comes out on Sunday. If you really study the sales papers and purchase what is on sale and plan your menus around the products on sale then you do really good. My thing is I do not cook very often. I like to cook, but I do not have a working oven and have not had a working oven since December. It does not look like I will have one in the near future. So I make do with what I do have. This would be utilizing my stove top, my George Foreman and my microwave.
Getting back to couponing. I keep reading where all of these people actually purchase only things they have coupons for. There are several websites that offer coupons too. Lets face it, buying groceries takes a huge chunk out of our budgets. So, if you can save why not save at the grocery store. Some of the blogs I read actually pay almost nothing for there groceries. I have not gotten anywhere near that good.. I don't even see it happening. It is a challenge though. I will share with you the blogs that I read. These blogs tell you where to shop what coupons to use and tell you exactly what is on sale. It is worth giving a try, huh?
Another thing they talk about doing is stock piling. If something is on sale at a steal and then you have coupons for it then you stockpile. Some of the blogs tell about having 6 month supplies of canned goods, soap, toilet paper, paper towels, etc... So I say, give it a try...,,,,,,,

Let me know what you think... I actually am a subscriber to most of the blogs.
One of my favorites is

1 comment:

Ashlee said...

Thanks for posting these. I will definitely check them out, in hopes of saving some money.

By the way...don't feel bad, I do the same thing with coupons! HA!