Father, make me mindful of what others are going through...
I am one who strongly believes in this scripture which is found in 1 Corinthians Chapter 12 verse 26. I personally believe that we should be similar to dominoes falling against each other or even a thrown pebble rippling the water, believers do have an effect on one another. In addition to that, when believers suffer or when a believer is honored every Christian in that local body (church) is affected.
While I am getting through this terrible time of dealing with my moms death, I truly believe that the church I am a member of has showed no compassion, I was and am forgot about. It has opened up my eyes to show me, this is not where I want to belong.
I have always been one to show compassion to others when they are going through difficult times. When I was in the youth ministry I showed this to the youth who were under my direction. When there was a death in our church family, we all got together and went to the home of the person who was hurting. This was very important to me to teach them to show compassion and genuine concern for whomever was hurting. When one of the youth members were going through a hard time, I reminded them to show compassion and empathy for this youth member who was hurting. No matter how small to us it may seem when someone is hurting it is important to show them love, care, & empathy.
I do feel as if I have been forgotten about.. When you are hurting you need Godly people around you ... To reassure you that you have not been forgotten about. To reassure you that you are important to God and he is right there carrying you through this difficult time.. Thank goodness I have these type of people in my life. However they are not from my local church where I am a member of..
A huge thank you to Mt Pleasant Baptist Church (where I attend all of my life up until a few years ago), Pastor Fred Quidley (pastor of Selma Baptist Church) who calls me up just when I need it, to quote a scripture, let me know he is praying for me. Kathy Williams (my BFF) for always being there for me... Ashlee Tolleson (my BFF's daughter) who is truly after Gods own heart, and my sisters who are the bomb. I know we will get through this...
I hope and pray I never become a person who does not show compassion for my fellow man. Even if the situation they are in, was due to the bad or wrong choices this person made. What a wonderful way to show the love of Christ.. other than showing the same love and compassion that Jesus Christ shows us every single day.
I read just this week, that God does not look down on Christians who mourn... Jesus Christ mourned himself. He cried when his friend Lazarus passed. So I know, without a shadow of doubt brighter days are coming...

1 comment:
Please know that you are in my thoughts and prayers daily. I am grateful for your friendship and am thankful for all the great times we have when we get together. Even though you may be in a tough season...God is going to bring his awesome rain and flowers will soon bloom in your life...I just know it! Keep the faith and know that I love you!
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